Thursday, August 13, 2009

They have discovered the keyboard.

I'm using a laptop to broadcast on the webcam and I had been leaving the cover open. So far the kittens had not jumped up on the chair or the desk that is in the room. UNTIL TODAY

Becca and I came in to check on them, lo and behold Apollo was on the computer blogging. I double checked and yes, indeed, all of the cats know how to type altho Athena seems to be blogging at a higher grade level. I guess I will have to leave the laptop open so that the little munchkins can continue to give you updates.

I will have some more picture posts with their progress. I've taken a lot of pictures and I'm using the best for the blog, but on the left there is a new widget which will cycle thru every picture I've taken (bad or good) via the Flickr connection.


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