Sunday, August 16, 2009


Finally my devious plan has been brought to fruition. Quietly I lay in wait at the door, and just as my foster daddy opened it... I bolted. My initial two attempts failed, but as they say: third time is a charm! I made it all the way into the master bedroom and tried to hide under the bed. Much to my surprise there was a gigantic orange kitty under the bed. She hissed at me and started growling, but I don't really know why.

Unfortunately I was distracted long enough by this "Dido" for someone to grab me by my scruff and put me back into my kitten room.

Note to self: Next time go down the stairs, the bedroom is a trap!

Also I have figured out which button shuts off my foster mommy's computer. This is very important knowledge. She should be paying attention to me, not the computer. This way I can just shut it off when I want to get petted.

I am planning another escape attempt. I don't want to give you any details right now as I'm not entirely sure this is a secure line....

- Athena "The Unjustly Confined Cat" Kitten

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