Then we had a big step last night... we let them out into the rest of the house for an hour. Its funny, they are afraid of the stairs (especially with a human standing on them) and so they have sort of self confined to the kitten room and the master bedroom. We have a "cat pueblo" in our master which Coco loves to sleep in and the Greeks absolutely LOVE it. They are still too small to be left to their own devices but occasional forays are definitely good for them. The downside is they try twice as hard to escape, but when they do escape we are not as worried.
As a side effect to our "hour on the town" Coco kept my wife up all night because she was in such a good mood. Being around the babies is turning on her kitten instincts again. We have a little fluffball of rabbit fur that she loves and last night she kept becca awake because she was playing with it, carting it around in her little mouthie, and trilling with pleasure so much.
Back to the Greeks! I clipped their claws not 30 minutes ago. It was a little bit of a struggle, but this being the second time I think I've finally convinced them that I am the momma cat of the house. This is important as a foster parent as declawing is inhumane and not allowed in the IAR adoption agreement. It is best if kittens learn that their claws are being clipped and there is nothing they can do about it. Hera I had to scruff between each of the first 6 front claws but then the last 4 I think she realized who was in charge! One or two more clippings I think ....
Today we are making a journey to the vet to get them all microchipped. Yay for microchips! I will let you guys know how it goes.
Without further delay: Here are some pictures I took during house explora-toring session.
Vids will be on another post.
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